Sunday, September 23, 2012

The witch as obstacle

"Blessings be upon this house," said Granny Weatherwax. In much the same tone of voice have people said, 'Eat hot lead, Kincaid.'
Terry Pratchett: Lords & Ladies

Everybody needs a witch in their life. This is a fundamental law of nature. The reason they need one is that they don't realise they do. To be the one person who will take a situation in hand, say what nobody wants to hear, and do what nobody wants to know about, this is almost the definition of a witch. Before I realised I was a witch I used to wonder why so many people go through life hiding from their own reality, refusing to see the situation they are in, & just generally not living in reality. Now I realise it's because they have not had that little push that will open the way for their gnosis.
We are all here with our own 'tasks' to do, but I like to think that the role of the witch is to enable people to achieve their task more easily. It's just they don't usually like what they have to hear from us!

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