Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Urban Grimoire: Creating magical entities

Yesterday evening I was in town with other witches. How I laughed! I think sometimes the reason witches recognise each other is we are the only people who understand our peculiar lives & world-view. I had a very strange dream, that I was being handfasted to my current (presently straight, but definitely questing) crush, in the back room of the pub we were in. The ritual took place at midnight, which nobody thought remarkable, & there was a chair for my deceased father, & three for my magical daughters. I woke up feeling giggly, in fact I've had that giggly feeling of something leaving you & making you lighter feeling all day, which means that the magic is working. Then today my daughters came shopping with me. They've been working on one of my current projects & I've asked them to finish it off - in tandem with an action I've taken on the physical - so I thought this post could be all about them.
Of course they're not physical daughters - I haven't done *that*, & any child of mine would have to be called Turkey Baster. They're magical entities, or what the chaos magicians call servitors. I don't personally like that word, it doesn't really feel right from my experience of them. My purpose here is not to describe how to do this, but to blog about my experience of it. It is actually one of the more ancient magics, yet seems not to have entered Wicca & the witchcraft movement to any great extent. For instructions I would recommend Patrick Dunn's Postmodern Magic and this website:
The first magical entity I created no longer exists, since she was designed to do a particular thing & to dissolve when it was done. These entities are often seen as parts of the self that are broken off, & their termination as a reabsorption, but in this case it was something I didn't want reabsorbed, but got rid of. I can see her now, & feel affection for her as I remember her, she was a sort of gothic Mary Poppins, & her purpose was to remove a certain person from my orbit permanently. She was fed by this person bullying others & lived wherever she was. She did a wonderful job of making this person crack up under the strain of what she was doing to other people. I created her by visualisation and literally split her off from me.
This was what taught me that this is actually one of the easiest ways of doing magic once you've created your entity, if you make it fuelled the way I did. I feel this magic is also in some way prohpetic, because in this approach the person brought her own downfall by bullying people. So far so textbook, except that the fluff bunnies would want me to make her nice & cast white light around her, so there are probably people already thinking I'm a black magician (of course since they will automatically think they're white magicians, they don't understand magic & might as well be fundamentalist Christians).
My next creation of magical entities was less textbook, & if I a) wasn't such an arrogant bastard & b) didn't love them so much, this would be the Hound's example of how not to do magic. I created three entities, who I call daughters, they have individual names & characters, but no specific purpose as such. The theory was that I would give them things to do, & indeed I do, but they ended up rather going their own way, & they now do things independently of me. This became apparent when a friend said their names in a restaurant, & there was a crash at the bar. She did it two more times with the same effect, & there were no further crashes while we were there. They are not around me all the time, they tend to appear now & then, often when their old dad is having trouble. They'll often see to things without me asking but at least I now have a spell of my own to use: 'Darlings, Daddy wants you to...'. How I can't stand those middle class parents who go, 'Mummy doesn't want you to do that, darling.'!
I have a fifth entity, who is still current, but who I'm perhaps not thinking about - & therefore feeding - as much as I could. I'm not going to write about what she's doing, because that would spoil it, wouldn't it?