Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thoughts on tags & Sources of Witchcraft

I have several posts in the pipeline, including ones on Kierkegaard, a psychogeographic map, & a witchy pub crawl of Birmingham. The Kierkegaard one is because I have recently discovered him as an unlikely source of the witch thing, as practiced by me personally. I am thinking of starting a new tag called 'Sources of Witchcraft' - up until now I have used 'The Hedge' as the tag for those kind of posts. The hedge of course is both the source & arena of witchcraft, as I understand it. I think the differentiation would be that 'Sources of Witchcraft' would refer to the sources plundered by witches, such things as Freemasonry & the Golden Dawn, to create witchcraft, without the elements of initiation & praxis suggested by the hedge.
Sources of Witchcraft is an obvious twist on Sources Chretiennes, a many-hundreds-of-volumes collection of Christian patristic sources. We don't have a clear canon of fathers & mothers in witchcraft so we are compelled to draw on what we can in our witching or crafting. The publisher's website of Sources Chretiennes is from whence comes this quote - it seems boastful but it's probably true:
'Avec plus de cinq cents volumes publi�s, la collection ��Sources chr�tiennes�� est � ce jour la plus importante biblioth�que patristique au monde � donner acc�s aux �uvres int�grales des P�res de l'�glise. Le texte original, grec ou latin le plus souvent, plus rarement syriaque, arabe ou g�orgien, est toujours accompagn� d'une traduction fran�aise, de notes et d'une solide introduction qui situe l'�uvre dans son contexte historique et doctrinal.'
A library of witchcraft sources would involve every library in the world. So the inquiring are probably just as well coming to this blog! A wikipedia entry (in English) on the history of Sources Chretiennes is at
Other than that my tags may be somewhat opaque in their meaning to others - reading this blog is a virtual entering of my hedge, so some level of confusion is bound to ensue. Perhaps the tag I haven't explained enough is 'economy' - by this is mean the magical world view, the way in which things work in a magical world view. If I were to write about the threefold law (I have once, & I've got better things to do with my time), that would come under the heading of economy.

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