Sunday, June 14, 2015

Urban Grimoire: an ancient Egyptian incantation for reversing situations

I have recently made the reacquaintance of The Chatto Book of Dissent, which has this wonderful passage, headed Admonitions of a Prophet, unfortunately with no further source information than that it is from ancient Egypt. It would make a good incantation for changing or reversing situations. And magic really is the same the world over: it is prophetic but is couched in the past tense, so that what is being spoken of here has already taken place. 
Behold. A thing has been done, which has never happened before. It has now come to this, that the King has been taken away by Poor Men.
Behold. The land is full of confederates. The Wretched now rob the Mighty of their goods.
Behold. Ladies lie on cushions and magistrates in the storehouse. He that had no wall on which to sleep now sleeps upon a bed.
Behold. The rich man sleeps thirsty. He that once begged him for dregs now possesses strong beer.
Behold. They that possessed clothes are now in rags. He that wove not for himself now possesses fine linen.
Behold. He that had no shade has shade now. They that had shade are now in the full blast of the storm.
Behold. He that had no knowledge of harp-playing now possesses a harp. He to whom never a man sang, now praises the goddess of music.
Behold. She that had no box now possesses a coffer. She that looked at her face in the water now possesses a mirror…
Michael Rosen and David Widgery (editors): The Chatto Book of Dissent. Chatto and Windus, London, 1991, p. 8.


  1. Perhaps the thing that was done that had never happened before was the doing of the Egyptian gods Hike/Heka (god of magic) and/or Sai/Shait (goddess of destiny)?

    Hello, by the way! I thought it time to de-lurk and show myselves after several months of reading from the shadows.

    1. Well, of course that would make perfect sense, although it doesn't help that I have no context at all for the passage, which is perhaps why I've felt so free to pick it up & run with it.
      Thank you for delurking, Inexplicable DeVice, all of you, I too have been reading your blog with much interest!


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